Sunday, July 29, 2007

I am a Freaking Slacker

Danny Boy keeps telling me what a great tool this is to make contacts for business, research etc. I know he is correct and I am going to try to do better. Leave me a note, suggestion on anything constructive. Heck I will even read your thoughts on Hillary and Barrack. I won't like it but I will read it. Contact ole Danny Boy occasionally and keep the lines of communication open. Preferably good uplifting positive stuff as we all have enough bummers crammed down our throats daily.

If you get a chance go to my sons web , and dig his nifty setup. Local boy makes good. They are the Premier Installers of these products in the Country.

Don't forget Danny at he has some great services and we should really introduce him to our friends.

Well, time to urinate on the fire and call the canines.

Focus on the family, do the right thing, occasionally perform that random act of kindness and remember, "What goes around ,comes around"

Drop me a line girls and boys.

The Old Gray Haired Man

Fill in the Blank " I ain't as good as I once was but I'm as good once---------------

Friday, June 22, 2007

Day in Life

I read the news today Oh Boy( fill in next line here)

Thoughts not flowing, think I will stop right hhere and come back when the time is right. Peace out. Thin The Herd

Let them hate, so long as they fear


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Been A While

Well, ole Hass is getting ready to head of the Mich. to git smart enough to defend us when we do stupid stuff. He has been putin together a Web for my new business MANNING TITLE & LICENSE and a site for the Village of Windsor plus getting ready to go and been very busy. Don't forget to check out his business Web GODANNO.COM and find all your business friends who need a good website. Pull up . Not completed yet but as you can see lots of potential there. Danny boy did this.

I will be focusing on anything dealing with title problems including dealers, mobile home parks and owners. Bonded, mechanics lien, self storage,or Court orders. If you know anyone needing my assistance please sends them my way. Not many people out there doing this and NONE know how to do it as well as I do.

Dan is leaving around the 23 rd so yal may want to give him a call before he shuffles off to Buffalo.

Retirement is great, Old age sucks, don't wait to long